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Galiojantys Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymai numato, kad prekyba alkoholiniais gėrimais yra leidžiama tik turint licenciją. Tačiau tokie numatyti įstatymai ir baudos už alkoholio pardavinėjimą be leidimo, neatbaido Šilalės r., Traksėdžio sen., Kadžygos k., gyvenančio „verslininko“. Ne kartą baustas ir pareigūnams gerai žinomas vyriškis, gim. 1975 m., ir toliau tęsia savo nelegalią veiklą.

2021 m. vasario 23 d. Tauragės aps. VPK Šilalės rajono policijos komisariato pareigūnai Šilalės rajone, Kadžygos kaime, pastebėjo minėtą asmenį, bandantį klientui nelegaliai parduoti alkoholio. Deja, pareigūnai šiam sandoriui įvykti sutrukdė.

Kratos metu, vyro namuose, rasta ir paimta 120 vnt. įvairios rūšies ir talpos alkoholinių gėrimų. Vyriškiui pradėta administracinė teisena. Raginame gyventojus nelikti abejingiems daromiems teisės pažeidimams ir apie jiems žinomas panašaus pobūdžio nusikalstamas veikas pranešti.


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  2. I purchased spores and plugs this year online, made a special “mushroom garden” and because I used a mix of horse and cow manure, I have NO IDEA which mushrooms are the ones I planted or if they are edible or poisonous. I plan on taking some of each to my local agricultural extension office expert to determine the edible from the poisonous ones, but don’t want to end up bringing in a bag of toadstools and magic mushrooms. I have some photos I would like to share if possible of what is growing in abundance. Thank you The abundance of psilocybin mushrooms is due to the nutritious environment they grow in. This is also why they are found in cow dung, as it provides the right amount of nutrition and humidity. Now the question is how to pick mushrooms from cow poop? Also known as golden halos, cubes or gold caps, psilocybe cubensis is the most well-known species of magic mushroom, thanks to its ease of cultivation and widespread distribution. As Double Blind notes, if you’ve ever taken shrooms without knowing what kind they were, they were probably cubes. For those looking to forage this fungi — which contains psilocybin and psilocin — they typically grow on cow dung (yum!), sugar cane mulch or rich pasture soil, and can be found in various locations in the Southern U.S, Central and South America, India, Southeast Asia, Australia and more. In the northern hemisphere, you’ll find them between February and December, while in the southern hemisphere, you’ve got from November to April. https://www.earthguest.net/forum/profile/millielomax7451/ Link to Quebec’s list of retail storesLegal age: 21Where legal to buy: Government-operated in-person and online storesPublic possession limit: 30 grams of dried cannabis or equivalentExcise stamp: Oils, Oral Sprays, Capsules, Hash, Resin & Rosin, Kief & Sift, CBD, Ingestible Extracts Government of BC – legal non-medical cannabis 3005 Solomons Island RoadEdgewater, MD 21037 “To date, more than 200 product price decreases have been made on dried cannabis, pre-rolls, oils and capsules as well as accessories,” the Ontario Cannabis Store revealed in a statement this week. Mon: Seniors discount 15% all day Tues: Student day 19+ 15% all day Wed: Ladies night 6:00 pm – 9:00pm 15% off. Sweet Seven Cannabis is one of the three Uptown stores still standing – and they’re feeling the crunch.

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