Dviratininkų konkurse Vengrijoje

Rugsėjo 6-9 dienomis jau 33 kartą vyko konkursas „European Traffic Education Contest“, skirtas patikrinti Kelių eismo taisyklių  bei važiavimu dviračiu žinias. Lietuvai atstovavo keturi 10-12 metų mokiniai, viena iš jų – Donata Stasytytė iš  6a klasės. Mokinei pasiruošti padėjo mokytojas Arūnas Radavičius, o visą Lietuvos komandą treniravo Benius Jankevičius ir Neringa Jankauskienė.

Lietuviai į šį konkursą vyksta jau 22-ąjį kartą, pernai komanda iškovojo dvyliktą vietą, šįmet – dešimtą. Konkursą sudarė  praktinė ir teorinė dalis, iš viso 9 stotys (rungtys). Trys stotys buvo skirtos figūriniam važiavimui. Sunkiausia buvo susikoncentruoti į figūras, atsipalaiduoti ir tiesiog važiuoti. Dėl varžybų įtampos (juk ne kasdien atstovauji Lietuvai!) mūsų komanda neišvengė klaidų. Teorinėse užduotyse kiekvienas komandos narys užduotis atliko individualiai. Buvo pateikta keturiolika klausimų, vienam klausimui buvo skirta 30 sekundžių. Visi nekantriai laukėme vakaro, kai buvo paskelbti konkurso nugalėtojai. Konkurso nugalėtojais tapo Rusijos komanda.

Paskutiniąją konkurso dieną su visa komanda apžiūrinėjome Budapeštą – nuostabų miestą, suteikusį tiek azarto ir rungtynių jaudulio.


Donata Stasytytė, Dariaus ir Girėno progimnazijos 6a klasės mokinė


  1. Look for the Dogecoin symbol next to the “order” button for Dogecoin-eligible products. Dogecoin uses a similar concept to that of Bitcoin for mining new coins. In this process, miners compete to solve a complex mathematical puzzle to validate data blocks. Upon winning, a new block is added to the Dogecoin network, and miners are rewarded with 10,000 DOGE in exchange for their efforts. Thanks to its simple, easy-to-use interface, we found Gemini to be the best crypto exchange for beginners. Note that the platform’s slightly higher fees are worth paying in exchange for convenience and ease of use. This move by Coins.ph is important for Dogecoin, since it reflects the rising acceptance of this distinctive cryptocurrency in the mainstream financial arena. We maintain insurance against certain types of crypto losses from our exchange wallet and from Gemini Custody®. To learn more about our insurance, and what it does and does not cover, please visit our User Agreement.
    I know a lot of people felt they were at a significant disadvantage during the 1M ruble bitcoin era BUT: does anyone else miss that era of tarkov? There is no definite report on the Bitcoin Era website that reveals how much its users are earning daily. However, the answers investors demand can be found on forums where people who are trading with Bitcoin Era mingle. The information gathered from these users reveals that there are Bitcoin Era account owners who earn up to $5,000 every day. Other users have confirmed that after investing the minimum deposit of only $250, it is possible for the account owner to earn over $800 daily. These are just a few of the issues regularly reported in the news, and rightfully so – these issues and more are deserving of the world’s attention. In jurisdictions where Bitcoin trading is permitted, Bitcoin Era is also legitimate. In addition, the website says that a large number of people from all around the world have registered for a profile with the robot. Keep in mind that different nations have different rules for their money system, as well as the reality that individuals are using the robot to trade is evidence that it is legitimate and recognised everywhere.

  2. If the party loses its key, the Bitcoin in the wallet becomes essentially worthless, as it is unrecognizable and inaccessible to anyone. According to Chainalysis, a blockchain analytics company, roughly 20% of Bitcoins have been lost by parties who misplaced the private key. Additionally, if the private key is revealed in a security breach, the value of Bitcoins can be stolen. In 2022, cryptocurrency investors lost a record $3.8 billion to hackers. The past is littered with various periods of market turmoil, from the global financial crisis of 2007-09 to the COVID-19 collapse in 2020. But neither of these is a particularly good comparison for our purposes because they both saw sharp drops and recoveries, as opposed to the slow unwinding of bitcoin. A better comparison would be the dotcom bubble burst in 2000-02, which you can see in the chart below (the Nasdaq is the index that tracks all tech stocks).
    For example, transferring Binance BNB from Crypto to Binance App can cost you up to $10 depending on the amount you’re withdrawing. The worst cryptocurrency to transfer from crypto is ETHEREUM (ETH). You can spend as high as $20 on transfer fee to transfer a $50 worth of crypto. The Exodus crypto wallet supports more than 225 cryptocurrencies. For those new to crypto, Exodus offers a plethora of educational materials and explanatory videos to enhance your knowledge of specific cryptos. “It was supposed to be a move to a new cold storage address, but was sent to a whitelisted external exchange address. We worked with Gate team and the funds were subsequently returned to our cold storage. New process and features were implemented to prevent this from reoccurring.” The TRANSFER fee of LTC from Crypto to other Wallet is very low. This way, you save lots of money when you transfer crypto from Crypto to another cryptocurrency platform. The guide is pretty simple and easy to follow. But, if you have any questions or need help with this, please use the Contact US page to send us a message.


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