Pareigūnai vykdys sustiprintą pirotechnikos priemonių laikymo, naudojimo ir prekybos kontrolę

Tauragės apskrities vyriausiojo policijos komisariato pareigūnai nuo š. m. gruodžio 10 d. iki kitų metų sausio 4 d. vykdys civilinių pirotechnikos priemonių laikymo, naudojimo ir prekybos kontrolę.

Visu šiuo laikotarpiu policijos pareigūnai tikrins fizinius ir juridinius asmenis, importuojančius bei prekiaujančius pirotechnikos priemonėmis bei galimas civilinių pirotechnikos priemonių neteisėto prekybos ir naudojimo vietas.

Raginame gyventojus, naudojant pirotechnikos priemones, laikytis visų būtinų saugumo reikalavimų ir instrukcijų, nurodytų ant pakuotės.

 Būkite itin atsargūs bandydami įsigyti pirotechnikos priemones. Perkant tokias priemones iš nepatikimų, neturinčių leidimo užsiimti tokia veikla asmenų, labai rizikuojate savo sveikata ar net gyvybe. Nepatikrintos, teisės aktų numatyta tvarka nepažymėtos, saugos reikalavimų neatitinkančios pirotechnikos priemonės kelia didelę grėsmę aplink esantiems asmenims.

Atkreipkite dėmesį į pirotechnikos gaminio išorės būklę – ji neturi būti sulankstyta, sudrėkusi, turėti pakuotės ar degiklio pažeidimų. Fejerverkai turi būti uždegti kuo toliau nuo žmonių, pastatų ir automobilių.

Primename, kad draudžiama ne tik naudoti, bet ir parduoti civilines pirotechnikos priemones asmenims, apsvaigusiems nuo alkoholio, narkotinių, psichotropinių ar kitų psichiką veikiančių medžiagų bei naudoti ir parduoti savadarbes pirotechnikos priemones.

Civilinių pirotechnikos priemonių (pagal atskiras kategorijas) gali įsigyti ir jomis naudotis ne jaunesni kaip 14 metų asmenys, todėl pamačius pirotechnikos gaminius leidžiančius jaunesnius vaikus reikėtų apie tai pranešti policijos pareigūnams.

Lietuvos Respublikos administracinių nusižengimų kodekso 483 straipsnis numato, kad civilinių pirotechnikos priemonių įsigijimo, naudojimo tvarkos pažeidimas užtraukia įspėjimą arba baudą nuo keturiolikos iki trisdešimties eurų. Pakartotinai padarytas nusižengimas užtraukia baudą nuo trisdešimties iki šešiasdešimties eurų, taip pat gali būti skiriamas ir civilinių pirotechnikos priemonių konfiskavimas. Už šiame straipsnyje numatytus administracinius nusižengimus, padarytus viešojoje vietoje vykstančiame renginyje, gali būti skiriamas draudimas lankytis viešosiose vietose vykstančiuose renginiuose nuo vienerių iki dvejų metų.

Pareigūnai linki visiems saugių artėjančių švenčių!


  1. Stay cheerful—and in the spotlight—decked out in our favorite plaid. Searching for a frock to set your style apart from the rest? A sheath dress in a body-skimming silhouette is an ideal choice. Coordinate with a sleek leather blazer and a pair of stilettos and get ready to take on the evening in style. Please update your browser to the most current Internet Explorer to get the full Cato experience. We strive to make high-quality clothing that breaks the mold because we know each and every woman is beautifully unique. We make clothes for women, designed by women. We’re inspired by the intentional woman, whose uniqueness and authenticity defines her. The first thing that pops into our head when we hear plaid is the Clueless series. Now that was a major plaid fashion moment and who can forget the iconic yellow plaid two-piece set that Cher Horowitz wore in it. Plaid is not just a pattern. It is a statement.
    Shop in the women’s, men’s, kids & toys, home, jewelry and shoe department for great deals as Macy’s tries to unload excess inventory to make way for spring and summer items. Bring on the Bling TOMMY HILFIGER Women’s Global Heart Ivy Sweater Women’s Aleena Casual Round Toe Booties The sale ends at 11:59 p.m. ET on Sunday, Feb. 5, 2023. Calling all deal seekers: shop women’s sale and clearance clothing, available at Macy’s. Every outfit needs shine, and metallic dresses for women now prove perfect for any night. Formal shapes—like pencil skirts, cap sleeves and fitted waists—are ideal for cocktails or business events. Lightweight fabrics move well, and scoop necklines elongate the body. Metallic dresses bring a dynamic sense of style to every event, though. Silver or gold finishes create a modern look. Textured elements, such as bows or ribbons, emphasize the shine. Metallic buttons or zippers add depth. Consider options from JS Boutique and others.

  2. Combo Brows is a technique that is the most popular. It is the combination of Microblading hair strokes strategically placed where you desire the hair look plus we add shading to add depth and dimension for the most complete and natural look. This service is for you if you’ve over tweezed or have very minimal eyebrows but don’t want the statement look. Ideal for those with dry to normal skin. Skin & Medical Conditions Requiring Ombré or (Perhaps) Combo Tattoo, Not Microblading Only: The first session is around 2.5-3 hours, so please, plan your time accordingly. Powder Brow is designed to give your brows a full “powdered look” with out having to apply makeup every day. It is placed by a tattoo machine, and there are multiple different needles that can be used to get this look. It is still considered semi-permanent as we are staying in the epidermis layer, and can last up to 18 months. Healing process is the same as microblading, however this procedure gives you more flexibility with exercising/sweating while healing. There are many names for this look; powder brow, ombre brow, shaded brow, the list can go on but its all the same. You would pick powder brow if you have brow hair but just want a fuller look. ?
    Picture the scene: you’ve spent ages perfecting your eye makeup, only to look in the mirror when you get to work or the bar and it’s smudged. So. Frustrating. With elf Cosmetics’ H2O Proof Eyeliner Pen, you shouldn’t have that problem. The long-lasting, highly-pigmented formula dries quickly, and after that, it’s water- and smudge-proof. Thanks to the felt tip-style applicator, the eyeliner is easy, comfortable to put on, and, the most important part: it will make your eyes pop. Plus, the addition of antioxidant vitamin E means it also nourishes and softens the skin around your lash line too. Enjoy vibrant, long-lasting color that comes in *38 pigment-packed shades, with 5 different finishes: matte, shimmer, glitter, satin, and metallic. With a creamy and bendable formula, these eye pencils glide onto the skin with ease before drying into a waterproof and smudge-proof eyeliner.

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    The ability to communicate effectively and compassionately is a key skill within nursing. Communication is about more than being able to speak confidently and clearly, it is about effective listening (Singh, 2019), the use of gesture, body language and tone (Adebe et al., 2016) and the ability to tailor language and messaging to particular situations (Smith & Jones, 2015). This essay will explore the importance of non-verbal communication … This does not mean quoting dictionary definitions – we all have access to with a click or two. There are many words we use in academic work that can have multiple or nuanced definitions. You have to write about how you are defining any potentially ambiguous terms in relation to your essay topic. This is really important for your reader, as it will inform them how you are using such words in the context of your essay and prevent confusion or misunderstanding.

  4. Попробуйте стимулирующую маску для корней на основе касторового масла и лукового сока. Для ее приготовления вам потребуются две столовые ложки масла и две столовые ложки свежевыжатого лукового сока. Полученную смесь нужно втереть в корни, затем накрыть голову шапочкой для душа и выдержать 1 час. Важно! При создании питательных смесей для ресниц или бровей не стоит экспериментировать с неизвестными компонентами. Тщательно проверяйте сочетаемость каждого из них с описанным миндальным маслом. Кроме того, нарощенные ресницы оказываю определенное влияние на натуральные реснички, и влияние не всегда положительное! Как безопасно снять реснички и сохранить при этом естественную красоту глаз? Используйте дебондер для снятия нарощенных ресниц, чтобы осуществить процедуру правильно и безопасно. Их достаточно много на рынке, выбор есть для любого бюджета. Обращай внимание на состав. Качественные и эффективные средства для роста длинных ресниц в домашних условиях должны содержать сквалан, бисаболол, гиалуроновую кислоту или ее производные, пептиды и витамины.
    12 лучших карандашей для бровей Предназначен для улучшения качества процедуры окрашивания хной. Благодаря ему можно избежать попадания красителя за контуры бровей. Используя это средство, вы можете быть уверены в том, что процедура окрашивания займет минимум времени, а результат непременно вас порадует. В составе натуральные компоненты, что позволяет избежать проявления аллергических реакций. Гель для бровей прозрачный с черным лайнером. Как пользоваться гелем для бровей? Перед его нанесением необходимо подойти к зеркалу и внимательно рассмотреть бровки, для того чтобы убедиться в безупречности их внешнего вида. Когда заказ прибудет в Ваш город, на указанный при оформлении заказа номер телефона позвонит представитель Службы доставки для согласования удобной даты и времени доставки. Наведите на картинку для увеличения Цвет. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .черный

  5. Hardware security keys Once you’ve set up your account and gotten verified, you’ll be taken to the Crypto dashboard. See what each tab does below. Due to Crypto being split into two separate platforms, the initial registration process is more confusing than other cryptocurrency exchanges. Customers can either register on the mobile app or create an account on the Crypto exchange. While verification isn’t required immediately, it’s needed to access the majority of features present on the platform. To delete your account on the Crypto Exchange, you simply need to send an email to the Crypto support team stating why you wish to delete your account permanently.After some basic verifications to confirm that you’re the one making the request, your Exchange account, Crypto mobile app account, and VISA card (If you had one) will be permanently deleted from their servers and this process is irreversible.If you landed on this page because you were searching for how to cancel your Crypto account, we hope this guide helped!
    Now that we have our publisher who sends the pricing updates, we need a subscriber to receive them. We’ll use EON, an open source framework for building real-time charts and graphs to build our interface. You’ll need to include them in the head of your page. SatoshiBitcoinArt SMA is the average of the closing USD price of an asset – Bitcoin over a given number of periods. The 200-day simple moving average (SMA) is one of the most-watched activities in the price charts. There are two basic signals in relation to the moving average: Bitcoin is divorced from governments and central banks. It’s organized through a network known as a blockchain, which is basically an online ledger that keeps a secure record of each transaction and bitcoin price all in one place. Every time anyone buys or sells bitcoin, the swap gets logged. Several hundred of these back-and-forths make up a block. (read more)


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