Policija prašo pagalbos. Dingo vaikinas (papildyta 14:54 val.)


Vaikinas polisijos duomenimis rastas negyvas. Reiškiame užuojautą artimiesiems.

2021 m. lapkričio 3 d. ryte, iš namų, Šilalės r., Pajūralio k., į darbą išėjo ir iki šiol negrįžo Lukas Stanišauskas, gim. 1998 m.

Vaikinas yra apie 190 cm ūgio, rudų akių, šviesių plaukų, vilkėjo tamsiai mėlyną striukę, pilkos spalvos kelnes, su savimi turėjo kuprinę.

Policijos pareigūnai prašo visuomenės pagalbos – atsiliepti asmenis, mačiusius ar žinančius šios vaikino buvimo vietą, ar turinčius kitos tyrimui vertingos informacijos, nedelsiant pranešti, tel. Nr. 8 700 64300.


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    The claimant commitment records what ‘conditions’ you must meet in order to keep receiving Universal Credit. If you do not meet these conditions, then you may be sanctioned. This means that your Universal Credit money will be reduced. The Universal Credit Scottish choices give people living in Scotland the option of: Many people in Scotland are experiencing reductions on the benefits they are receiving. This may be a benefits entitlement being stopped or a lower rate being offered by benefit’s agencies. Either way those individuals may have a right to appeal the decision of the Department for Works and Pensions or the Job Centre. On 11 May 2017, the Ministry of Justice closed a consultation on its proposals to amend how eligibility for legal aid is assessed for those receiving Universal Credit.

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    Every UEFA Euro pool hosted at RunYourPool includes a free, private message board. Your pool’s message board, accessible only to your pool members, is a great way to communicate with members. Luis de la Fuente takes charge of his first game as Spain coach in a potentially tricky match against Norway but he won’t have to worry about Erling Haaland. The record-breaking Manchester City striker is out of the Norwegian squad after feeling pain from a groin injury. Scotland plays Cyprus in the other game in the group after extending coach Steve Clarke’s contract through to the 2026 World Cup. As always, good luck and Have Fun! WATCH | Bring It In discusses racial abuse after Euro 2020: How to watch the live streaming of Euro Cup 2020 matches?

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