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  11. 3.Choose concise phrasing. Instead of “don’t have the resources,” use “lack the resources.”  Change “in view of the fact that” to “because.” Rather than “at the conclusion of the meeting,” write “following the meeting.” Shorter phrases make your writing easier to read and more interesting; longer phrases, while technically accurate, muddy up your writing. 5.Choose appropriate words. If you write a technical piece for a publication, client, or colleague, you may choose to use jargon, acronyms, and industry-speak the intended audience naturally understands. When writing a note to a roommate or friend, you may choose to use slang or ultra-casual language. Either way, the reader needs to intuitively understand your point without asking questions or using Wikipedia to figure out what you’re trying to say.
    Material about Descriptive Text This type of text is aimed at explaining the operation of an object or the sequence of an event through a true presentation of features or events. This argument attempts to convince the reader of the authenticity of the point made.. By contrast, descriptive text is limited to showing the characteristics of an element without trying to persuade the recipient. To a certain extent, your outline depends on the specific instructions from your teacher. They may indicate the exact number of paragraphs to be presented in your work. Often, learners are asked to present a standard five-paragraph essay. Still, you may lack the details to provide a paper of the required length. Ask your instructor if you can deviate from instructions in terms of the word count. Next, your outline will surely consist of three main parts: the intro, the body of the paper, and the conclusion. You should make sure that your opening and concluding paragraphs are proportional to the length of the entire work. So, let us discuss each section of your future chef-d’oeuvre separately.

  12. In the 1830s, the game was refined further and became known as Poker. During the Civil War, the key rule about drawing cards to improve one’s hand was added. A variation – Stud Poker – appeared at about the same time. There are hundreds of versions of Poker, and the game is played not only in private homes, but also in countless Poker rooms at famous casinos. Poker can be played socially for pennies or matchsticks, or professionally for thousands of dollars. Two cards of matching rank, with another two cards of another rank, plus an additional card. In the event of a tie, the highest pair wins. If players share the same highest pair, then the value of the next pair wins. For example, a pair of Aces, and a pair of 6’s would beat our example hand, as would a pair of Kings and a pair of 7’s. If two or more players share the same two pair, then the value of the fifth card counts. So, a pair of Kings, a pair of 6’s, with a 4, would beat our example hand.
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